Getting Device Battery State iOS

Mr.Javed Multani
1 min readOct 5, 2020

When We need to access the state of the battery for the particular intention in our app we can get it by using following code:

//Get permission for Battery Monitoring[[UIDevice currentDevice] setBatteryMonitoringEnabled:YES];
UIDevice *myDevice = [UIDevice currentDevice];[myDevice setBatteryMonitoringEnabled:YES];
double batLeft = (float)[myDevice batteryLevel] * 100;
NSLog(@"%.f",batLeft);int d = myDevice.batteryState;
//Returns an Integer Value
//UIDeviceBatteryStateUnknown 0
//UIDeviceBatteryStateUnplugged 1
//UIDeviceBatteryStateCharging 2



Mr.Javed Multani

Software Engineer | Certified ScrumMaster® (CSM) | UX Researcher | Youtuber | Tech Writer